Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Still able to hear the music

Melissa's post reminded me of a time when the Lord healed me back in Winslow, AZ. I was a new music teacher at the time, and I developed an ear infection. First year teachers get really sick all the time! Well, I got a prescription for some amoxicillin and it wasn't clearing up my infection. In fact, I was getting worse, developing a horribly itchy rash all over my body and my fever was shooting way up. I went to the doctor and he admitted me into the hospital. I was in a terrible state. My fever went up to about 105 degrees, even after they started giving me a different, more powerful antibiotic intravenously. I recall the nurses drawing blood over and over, running more tests trying to discover the root cause of a this. Well, it turns out I was allergic to penicillin, and the drug that I was receiving intravenously, called rosephin (a distant cousin of penicillin). They gave me a shot of benadryl and my fever broke that same night. Well, then next morning, my doctor told me that what was left of my eardrum was just the outer edge, and it only had a small chance of closing...most likely NOT the entire way, and that my hearing would be damaged for the rest of my life. Everything sounded horrible. The best way I could describe it was that everything sounded like it was ringing in a metallic box and very distorted. I knew that I would really need to make some life decisions if I couldn't hear properly again, since I am a musician and that was my bread and butter. As I was feeling better, I began to watch t.v. in the hospital, and CBN was on and one of the people praying had a "word" that someone was being healed of an ear infection. Well, I jumped on that one and asked God if He wouldn't mind sending that one my way. The next time I saw my doctor, he looked into my ear and had to double check. The membrane had nearly grown back completely in less than 24 hours. By the time I had gone to his office for my follow up visit, the eardrum was completely closed and I could hear fine. To this day there is no distortion of sound and I'm still involved in music somehow. God is amazing and I am so glad He smiled on me that day! NOW DON'T FORGET TO SHARE YOUR STORIES, TOO!

1 comment:


That is amazing and a very inspirational story. It is always nice to hear about miracles.